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Migration to Mind does not work

Hi, For a long time I am trying to migrate my mitx tokens to mind via my trust wallet. When connected to the migration tool there are no MITX tokens in my wallet. Does this have to do with the beacon chain? I do not have telegram, so can you please help me? Thank you!

Mitx zu Mind Swap fujnktioniert nicht

Hallo, leider habe ich genau dass gleiche Problem und hänge nun noch auf den mixto token fest, die seite antwortet mitlerweile auch nicht mehr beim öffnen für den swap, bitte um Rückmeldung, mit freundlichen grüßen Markert

Inquiry Regarding the Process of Swapping MITx Tokens to MIND

Dear Morpheus Labs Team, I hope this message finds you well. My name is Viktor, and I am a holder of MITx tokens. I am reaching out to seek detailed information and guidance on the process of swapping MITx tokens to MIND. Unfortunately, I missed the automatic migration on KuCoin and would now like to understand how I can manually proceed with this process. Could you please provide me with the necessary steps, tools, or procedures required for this swap? Additionally, I have a few specific questions: Is there a dedicated tool or platform for manual migration that I should use? Are there any specific security measures or particular wallets that I need to use to successfully complete the swap? Are there any deadlines or specific time frames within which the swap needs to be conducted? I am aware of the importance of following the correct procedures and adhering to all security protocols and want to ensure that I execute this process correctly. Thank you in advance for your support and assistance. I look forward to your response and further guidance. Sincerely, Viktor

How long is it supposed to take for the MITX tokens to migrate to MIND in my wallet after I use the migration portal?

I used the tool about a day ago and I am hoping that it is just taking some time and will eventually show my balance of MI D tokens instead of 0.

Issue migration of MITx to MIND

Hi, I tried to use the migration tool with my old MITx tokens on Metamask for swapping to MIND Token. Unfortunately it doesn't show my balance, so I am currently not able to do the swap. Can you help me please? Thank you! Iwan

SWAP MITX for MIND... I've had problems with it glitching

Please help with this! What can i do?